Jumat, 24 April 2015

Google Developer Expert google+

This time i want to share u about profile of top expert di Google developer expert bidang google+.
Ga akan terlalu banyak bla bla bla bla ayo cekidooot.....

1. Gerwin Sturm

gbr 1. gerwin sturm

Gerwin Sturm tinggal di Vienna, Austria.
Ini dia skill om gerwin:
Google APIs on Client and Server
Authentication with Google Sign-in
Google Cloud Endpoints

if u want to know more about Gerwin Sturm this his google plus account.

2. Abraham Williams

gbr 2. abraham williams

Rupanya Abraham williams ini menetap di sanfrancisco, United States. Bisa kali ya kapan-kapan kita mampir pas touring kesana. ahihihihi  :D
Bapak ini ternyata have so many skills, uwow let's check his skills :
Social Integration
Web Application

Nah, buat yang pengen keep in touch with Abrahan Wiliams, u can follow his g+ account.

Semoga bermanfaat ^_^
Have a nice day..

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